Post Secondary

Students apply skills developed in Dental and General Anatomy, Dental Health Safety, Dental Chairside, Dental Materials, Dental Radiography and Dental Assistant Professional in a clinical setting with patients. Emphasizes integration of core abilities (soft skills) and basic occupational skills. They will be able to collect diagnostic and treatment data, manage infection and hazard control, perform clinical supportive treatments (four handed dentistry, maintain instruments, etc.), take diagnostic radiographs, perform dental laboratory procedures, provide patient oral health instruction, assist in managing medical emergencies, model professional behaviors, ethics and appearance.

Student has satisfied all of the following: [Student has completed all of the following course(s): DENTAL 10508101 - Dental Health Safety, DENTAL 10508103 - Dental Radiography, DENTAL 10508113 - Dental Materials, DENTAL 31508307 - Dental Assistant Professional] And Student has satisfied all of the following: [Student has completed any of the following course(s): DENTAL 10508102 - Oral Anatomy, Embry, Histology, DENTAL 31508304 - Dental & General Anatomy] And Student has satisfied all of the following: [Students who specified one or more of these Programs of Study or Program Foci: Dental Assistant (Short-Term)]

Availability & Registration

We offer the following class sections for this course (31-508-306). View more class specific details and registration information by selecting a class number.