NTC Campus Security Contact Information
Phone: 715.803.1111 or Cell 715.581.6010
Campus Phone Ext: 1111
Text: 715.581.6010, send the message and the location of the incident
Email: security@ntc.edu
Online: Maxient Online Reporting System
Location: Our Wausau office is located near main entrance at C-157

The NTC Wausau campus has Campus Security Officers on duty during campus operating hours. The Campus Security Department consists of 10 part-time officers, an assistant director, and a full-time director.

Campus Access
Campus Access
NTC is a public facility with public access during campus hours of operation.

Campus Crime Stats
Campus Crime Stats
Northcentral Technical College complies with the Jeanne Clery Disclosure Act and prepares an annual report of crimes that have occurred on campus.

Recruits on Campus
Recruits on Campus
Northcentral Technical College Criminal Justice Certification Track and Police Academy students wear duty belts while on campus to acclimate themselves to the equipment they will be wearing once they start their careers.

Students are welcome to park within the marked stalls in all parking lots on campus.

Sexual Assault
Sexual Assault
Penalties for one convicted of this offense range from a fine of up to $10,000 and imprisonment for up to 20 years.

File a Report
File a Report
Anyone can file a report to have an incident investigated by NTC’s CARE Team, an interdisciplinary team that serves as a central network focused on assisting students in the maintenance of their mental and physical health.