Post Secondary

Explore husbandry and care of exotic pets, pocket pets, birds and animals used for research. Topics covered include housing requirements, sanitation, nutrition, radiology, restraint and handling. Learners will practice hands on skills including administering medications, diagnostic sampling techniques and physical examinations of rats, mice, birds, rabbits, and other small mammals. This course may also work with reptiles. This course is only offered in fall semester.

Student has satisfied all of the following: [Students who specified one or more of these Programs of Study or Program Foci: Veterinary Technician] And Student has satisfied all of the following: [Student has completed or is in process of completing all of the following course(s): ANIMALHU 10091208 - Animal Nursing 2]

Availability & Registration

We offer the following class sections for this course (10-091-199). View more class specific details and registration information by selecting a class number.

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