The following is a current list of CLEP Exams accepted by NTC.

Please note: all other CLEP exams with a score of 50 or higher will count towards elective credits only.

CLEP Exam CLEP Score NTC Course # NTC Course Name Credits
Composition & Literature
College Composition 50 10-801-195 Written Communication 3
College Composition 50 10-801-136 English Composition 1 3
History & Social Science
American Government 50 10-809-122 Intro to American Government 3
Human Growth & Development 50 10-809-188 Developmental Psychology 3
Introductory Psychology 50 10-809-198 Introduction to Psychology 3
Introductory Sociology 50 10-809-196 Introduction to Sociology 3
Principles of Macroeconomics 50 10-809-195 Economics 3
Principles of Microeconomics 50 10-809-195 Economics 3
Science & Mathematics
College Algebra 50 10-804-195 College Algebra w/Apps 3
College Mathematics 50 10-804-107 College Math 3