On demand training is a series of online, non-credit, self-paced options for individuals to purchase and complete on their own time.
Our offerings target most industries and provide continued professional development programming.
Delivered through ed2go, these courses allow you to start anytime or on a fixed schedule, take single or bundled courses, and access course content 24 hours a day, seven days a week.
Types of Training Available
Personal Enrichment, Hobby, and Skills Training
This catalog includes nearly 500 courses where you study and interact with a cohort over a six-week schedule. Courses start monthly with twice-weekly lesson plans. For the independent learner, our self-paced courses provide access to all lessons immediately with up to three months to complete. Topics include business, computer applications, writing, accounting and more.
Career, Professional, and Certification Training
These advanced courses offer a flexible way to learn. Open enrollments let you start any time. And with up to 18 months access, you can learn when it’s convenient to you. Each course also comes with a dedicated Student Advisor, so you’re supported throughout your learning journey. Topics include business, healthcare, technology, industry certifications, and more.